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Aviation Analytics: Forging new airline partnerships with Cirium Data

The customer is a European-based virtual interlining provider, connecting passengers, airlines and other transport providers to offer new route options to travelers. The company partners with airlines to offer new routes to its users, connecting airlines and passengers to itineraries outside of traditional codeshare agreements.

Business challenge

To grow its network of airline partners, the company’s commercial team must understand:

  • Which routes and markets are underserved?
  • Which airlines employ interline and codeshare agreements?
  • Where could travelers benefit from a better or cheaper service?

Once identified, it can create a persuasive business case with realistic passenger and revenue projections. To secure new partners, it must move fast to stay ahead of changing trends in the rapidly evolving travel ecosystem.

Cirium Solution

Cirium experts worked closely with the customer’s data and analytics team to provide the market intelligence required. Alongside proprietary Connections, Schedules, Traffic and Fares datasets, it applied aviation industry standard methodology to ensure insights were aligned with its airline partners.

By combining accurate and timely market data with route yield and travel demand intelligence, this collaboration produced an itinerary scoring model that assessed the willingness of travelers to select any given itinerary.

The company’s commercial team can quickly identify and secure new airline partnership opportunities by leveraging Cirium data and analytics.

Quantifying passenger and revenue potential

The model enabled the company to uncover high potential itineraries for prospective airline partners with a high degree of confidence.

By reducing time-consuming ad-hoc analysis of individual data sources, the customer’s commercial team can now quickly assess the whole aviation ecosystem to identify airlines that would benefit from joining its platform.

Crucially, it can quantify the real-world impact of a partnership, providing prospective airline partners with expected booking and revenue numbers based on a complete view of the market.

The company has grown its  airline network over 20% in the  first year working with Cirium.

Travelers at the airport



Cirium data empowers the client/company to create compelling business cases for airlines and move quickly in an evolving travel landscape.

With access to timely and accurate market intelligence, it can trust it is partnering with the right airlines to form successful partnerships and grow its network.

The company has accelerated its growth since incorporating Cirium data into its commercial processes, striking new partnerships to expand its airline network by over 20% in twelve months. These partnerships have grown the company’s reach, generating over 25% more connections to exceed 500,000 connections for the first time.

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