Air navigation service providers (ANSPs)
Enable efficient operations and collaborative decision making
Cirium solutions support flexible, efficient operations and seamless rapid access to the data that is at the heart of every ANSP. Cirium helps enable collaborative decision making across the entire gate-to-gate phases of a flight including data from other ANSPs and key stakeholders such as Airlines and Airports.
Global standardization simplified
ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan defines the roadmap for System Wide Information Management (SWIM) where data is exchanged freely between systems in an interoperable manner based on open standards. Cirium, through its Cirium Sky for SWIM product, enables an ANSP to accelerate its implementation of key areas of the GANP and associated Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) using SWIM. Cirium Sky for SWIM directly addresses the globally interoperable systems and data Performance Improvement Area of the GANP, supporting Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) and enabling efficient operations through collaborative decision making (CDM) across multiple stakeholders.

Data for ANSPs
In addition to its enterprise software products, Cirium provides several key datasets and including global flight surveillance and flight status data to enable Long Range Air Traffic Flow Management, global daily flight schedules to facilitate better controller resource planning and global fleet data to calculate more accurate route charges.
Learn more about CIrium ANSP solutions.
Cirium Sky for SWIM
Contact Cirium experts
Cirium manages and provides solutions for APOs, AJRs and ATOs.