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  • Improve operational efficiency and mitigate flight disruption 
  • Improve operational efficiency and mitigate flight disruption
  • Optimize flight schedules
  • Reduce delays
  • Enhance safety measures
  • Effectively benchmark competitors
  • Leverage on-time performance analyses
  • Better manage and communicate on flight disruption 
  • Personalize the traveler experience for travel and hospitality providers
  • Improve the customer experience
  • Proactive itinerary management
  • Improve customer communications
  • Accurately track aircraft assets globally
  • Effectively manage aircraft asset risk
  • Streamline claims processing
  • Analyze aircraft usage patterns and trends
  • Gain market intelligence insights
  • Effectively track aircraft and foresee risks, reducing downtime
  • Monitor aircraft performance, anticipate needs, and better manage maintenance logistics

Customer testimonial

“As part of an agreement with the German airline, Condor, Cirium is providing three key datasets to the carrier including historical flight data, schedules data and real-time flight data. Condor will leverage the flight data to identify operational trends and make quick decisions to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.”

Read the case study

“At ANA, we collect operational results and data points from each process. These are stored internally and can be used by anyone across the organization. The on-time performance team, as well as each airport and department, can perform independent data analyses, review their own operations, and address issues. Cirium’s data makes it possible for us to assess our performance against other airlines worldwide.”

Mr. Yuji Hirako,
Former CEO
All Nippon Airways

  • Flight status coverage on over 95% of commercial passenger flights
  • Over 25 million updates of flight status information daily
  • Flight data from over 600 live data sources
  • Over 10 years of history of what flew
  • Updates 72 hours before and after departure time
  • Accurate Predicted Estimated Times of Arrival (ETAs) for runway and gate
  • Accurate and precise real-time and historical flight data
  • Comprehensive flight information including flight ID, OOOI, gate, and taxi times, runway and gate departure and arrival times, aircraft types, cancellations and more
  • Flexible availability via custom files, workbooks, APIs, live Stream and private data cloud
  • Flight tracking data from the only ATS-grade surveillance company, Aireon
  • Coverage of close to 100% of ADS-B equipped aircraft, which make up nearly 90% of the world’s scheduled flights
  • Live positions for up to 180,000 scheduled and unscheduled flights per day
  • More than 1.2 million flight updates per hour
  • Non-ADS-B aircraft tracking via Multilateration (MLAT)
  • Precise aircraft latitude/longitude, altitude and speed

Cirium Sky Warehouse
Weave together flight data with additional Cirium datasets such as schedules and fleets in the Cirium Sky data warehouse and integrate seamlessly with your business systems.

Cirium Sky API and Stream
Surface Cirium’s flight data through API or Stream. Cirium offers Flight Status and Flight Alert APIs, Flight Status Stream (push-based API) or a live flight feed for real-time aircraft positional data.

Speak to the Cirium bespoke solutions and professional data services team to explore ways of accessing tailored flight data specific to your use cases. 

Flight data is used to enhance aircraft analytics such as Tracked Utilization and is surfaced through the Ascend UI products such as Asset Watch which tracked aircraft assets globally and Ground Events which monitors and predicts maintenance events.

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